Hey, Best Friend - Finding and Keeping A Business Bestie

No matter where you are at in your business building journey, it can be an absolute roller coaster. Being in community, specifically with people you trust and open up to, can make a HUGE difference. 

But how to find those people, how do we fight our insecurity or fear around them and how do we keep them when we have them?!

Here are a few simple thoughts on how to lean into relationship with other business owners. Our most real hope is that you would TAKE THE TIME. Good people, that accept you and challenge you are the best form of self-care.

Keep It Confidential – What is shared between friends, stays there. In TWC Peer groups we sign NDA’s and make a quick, formal commitment to not share what we discuss when we are together. If your business bestie relationships are less formal – be direct about your commitment to confidentiality and ask them for theirs. Protecting your business ideas, relationships and experience is so important, the goal of this friendship is to support you in your work. It is always ok to prioritize that and create a safe space in your friendship.

Laugh Together – If you’re not laughing, you’re crying.  As a business builder and founder, you are taking risks and making hard decisions EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. It’s exhausting and exciting and challenging all that once.  Your business bestie can help you hit that pressure valve and take some of the heavy weight off of your work by finding humor when it’s hard.

Witness the Ups – When we are growing our work and reaching goals, we see small wins every day, but are so often focused on the bigger picture that we miss them. The best part about having those close business friends is that they are there to call out, recognize and celebrate what you have accomplished.  They can say over and over – you may not be “there” yet, but you are “here” and that is so far from where you were.

Don’t miss out on prioritizing peer relationships with other business owners!  It can make the difference between thriving and just surviving in your business. It is the easiest way to gain information quickly, keep motivation and have more fun with your work.

Keep going.  The world needs YOU and YOUR Brand!


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Meet Courtney Klein, Founder of Birth Order