Meet Courtney Klein, Founder of Birth Order

Read more about Courtney's journey to providing intentionally curated items to help moms care for themselves so that they can care for their babies.

Q: Tell us the story behind Birth Order and what led you to start it?
I started Birth Order because after my son was born, my office job, which I had previously LOVED, didn't fulfill me anymore and I spent all day wishing I was home with him and crying in the bathroom that this life didn't make sense to me. How was it that I made a person and now wasn't available to raise him? So I left, and in trying to find something that I could do from home I thought a lot about how much I had learned during this dramatic shift in my life and wanted to use my experience to help other new and expecting moms.

Q: What inspires you?
I am endlessly inspired by women who dream big, and especially mothers who were awoken after their children were born and feel the need to get to work - whether traditionally &/or as engaged moms. I have also recently started bringing BirthOrder to in-person markets, and the conversations that I get to have with people who come to my booth really fill me up. I remember being in the first trimester of my pregnancy, not comfortable telling friends and family that I was pregnant yet, but telling every stranger who would listen, and now I get to be that stranger! It's surprised me how many people tell me they are 9,7,5 weeks pregnant and we get to geek out about how exciting it is together. That feels special and I don't take it for granted for a second.

Q: Why is it important to you to focus on the mom?
From doctor's appointments, pregnancy books, and baby showers, pregnant mothers spend a lot of time planning for the baby and may not even realize how little time they are making space for themselves - and quite seriously, their recovery. Some people are lucky to have a lot of help on hand, and friends and relatives who will get "medical" with what's about to go down, but from personal experience I find that to be really rare. Many moms, like me, will read every pregnancy book, blog, & "how big is my baby today" app, and still not know what they need to be comfortable and prepared for postpartum. This is why it is a mission of Birth Order to pamper moms and get people thinking about gifting practical comfort items at baby showers, and not just cute baby clothes.


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